A Future So Bright

A Future So Bright . . .

Awww, a little blue . . . My brother left today. I was lucky he decided to stay an extra day! However, I did miss my WW meeting and weigh in so I’ve got to reschedule for later this week.

Today we are a tired happy family — a family whose number increased by five over this weekend. You know how sometimes you will have a friend and your spouse or vice versa and it makes it more difficult to plan dates because you don’t want to force a yucky situation on your spouse. Often times that friendship will just fizzle out . . . Well, what are the chances that the four of us really loved the five of them? In most instances, probably not very high, but I must say it is exactly how it happened. We had a veritable family love fest. Ha!

Both of my children and my husband loved this new part of the family 00 and after talking with my brother this evening, it is pretty apparent his family feels the same about us. Yay! Wouldn’t it have been AWFUL if he thought I was a bore! Yikes!

Ahhhhh, this weekend was probably one of the best and most important I’ve had in years. I’ve been smiling all day!

I still can’t get over it. I laughed a ton — cried a little and felt loved the entire time. We NEVER MISSED A BEAT!!!

So here I am in week three of the WW program. During my time with WW my focus has shifted greatly. With the snow storms of the last couple of weeks, I was able to spend quite a bit of time on WW journaling, blogging and tracking. With careful calculation, I would track my points every day and plan out all of my meals.

Well, since Friday I have not obsessed over WW — AMAZING! (I’ve only obsessed about my brother — as you well know) I even found myself falling into a rhythm where I didn’t think about points and would only enter items into the tracker before bed although I was always conscious of where I stood point wise. I also tended to eat the bulk of my calories in the evening which is probably not the healthiest way to attack your day, but amazingly I staying on program. (The program was always at the back of my head steering me in the right direction.) This was the first time in my life I can remember going through an emotional even and not using food as a crutch, a balm, a reward or an escape. Could this be step one to becoming whole?

This weekend was a success on so many levels. I’m getting a foothold on my out of control eating. I’m bringing my family together. Heck, I even earned 54 (yep 54) activity points this week — even with company. All I can think is “My Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades” along with a slinky bikini someday VAVAVAVOOM 🙂


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